
Postdoc Positions in the Soft Machines Lab

We’re always looking for talented researchers to join out team. If you’re interested, please contact Prof. Carmel Majidi (cmajidi@andrew.cmu.edu) with your CV, 1 page cover letter, and contact information for 1-3 references.

Dual degree PhD Positions in Soft Robotics • CMU-Portugal

The Soft Machines Laboratory (CMU) and Institute of Systems and Robotics (http://www.isr.uc.pt) at University of Coimbra (UC) have joint PhD openings in the area of Soft Robotics. Students will receive a dual degree through the CMU-Portugal Program (http://www.cmuportugal.org/) and spend two years each at UC and CMU.

Their research will focus on the development of soft multifunctional materials, stretchable electronics, and mechatronics systems for safe physical interactions between humans and machines. This includes 3D printed soft robotics, wearable electronics for human motion tracking, and artificial skin for humanoids and prosthetics. This is a 4-year PhD program, with the candidate spending 2-years each at CMU and UC.

We are particularly looking for candidates with hands-on experience in microfabrication, additive manufacturing, and/or mechatronics. Interested PhD applicants should apply online to the Doctoral Program in ECE or the Robotics Institute. When sending your application, please also send a notification with your CV to Carmel Majidi (cmajidi@andrew.cmu.edu) and Mahmoud Tavakoli (mahmoud@isr.uc.pt).